What are PF’s Introduction Days? Polyteknisk Forening (PF) organizes the introduction right before the semester begins ...
Welcome to the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
and welcome to Polyteknisk Forening (PF)!
PF is the student organization at DTU - driven by the students, for the students. We offer a large variety of social activities and shapes the social life at DTU's campuses in Lyngby and Ballerup. Your studystart is arranged by DTU and PF in collaboration with the Coordinators of the Bachelor Studystart, KABS. On this site you can find information about about your new studies and the events that are held during your studystart.
Polyteknisk Forening (PF)
What is PF, and why is it important? The short story – 1846 to 2023 Polyteknisk Forening is one of the oldest student organi...
Welcome Letter for BSc. and B.Eng.
Dear new fellow students Congratulations! Welcome to The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and welcome to the student associat...
Have you ordered your books?
As a new PF member you can receive a free physics formulary It can be picked up at the PF secretariat in Lyngby At the Polytechnic...
PF Rusbook
The Rusbook The Rusbook is a compendium that compiles many years of informations, guides, tips and tricks made by DTU students. Th...
The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA
IDA is a union with more than 160.000 members that are engineers, MSc. and IT-professionals. Polyteknisk Forening has a fantastisc...