As a newly enrolled student at the Technical University of Denmark you receive a welcome letter from Polyteknisk Forening. The letters are specific for the individual studylines and contain a load of important information that is relevant for your start at DTU. On this site you can find the newest letters for all the studylines for the Summer 2024. NB: The letter for General Engineering is the only one in English.

Architectural EngineeringArchitectural Engineering
Artificial Intelligence and DataArctic Civil Engineering
Biomedical EngineeringChemical and Bio Engineering
BiotechnologyChemical Engineering and International Business
Chemistry and EngineeringCivil Engineering
Civil EngineeringElectrical Engineering
Computer EngineeringElectrical Energy Technology
Cyber TechnologyFisheries Technology
Data Science and ManagementFood Safety and Quality
Design and InnovationGlobal Business Engineering
Design of Sustainable Energy SystemsHealthcare Technology
Earth and Space Physics and EngineeringIT and Economics
Electrical EngineeringComputer Engineering
Engineering PhysicsManufacturing and Management
Environmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
General EngineeringMechanical Engineering – Digital
Human Life Science EngineeringMobility, Transport and Logistics
Mathematics and TechnologyNaval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
Mechanical EngineeringProcess and Innovation
Software TechnologySoftware Technology
Technology – Digital